Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fall Is Here

Well, it's been rainy for the last four days straight. Granted, thats been the way our summer has been. Now though, there is a new chill in the air and leaves are starting to fall. I think for my mission service tomorrow I may make apple cider and pumpkin bars for afterwards. To get us in the fallish mood.=)

Soooooo, I've pretty sure I'm going to be heading for MSP, MN at the end of the month for a revival. It should be really good. I'm not at all excited about flying. I 'm sick of flying! After one really bad one I'm now scared of every bump.

Oh! And then at the end of Oct. I think I'm going to go to Europe again. I'm SUPER excited!!! I'm pretty sure which one, but not positive. It'll will be a cruise....which I enjoy just becasue you see more for your moeny. *sigh* yaaaaa, that will be some long flights though!!!


Can I come for apple cider and pumpkin bars? Yum!

Pumpkin bars and cider sound really good! How did they turn out?

This might be a dumb question, but what is MSP? That will be fun to go attend a revival in MN! Who is preaching?

What dates will you be gone? Does this mean that we might not see you?

The apple cider and bars turned out good! I boiled nutmeg, cloves, and, cinnamon sticks for about an hour with store bought apple juice or cider can't remember and it turned really good! It was the first time doing that.

Libby, Anytime!

Kasey, Not really.....I have to get out of this Europe kick.

Bekah, No it not a dumb question. =)I was just lazy and didn't want to spell out Minneapolis St. Paul so I just used the airport code. =)

Levi Stephens is holding the revival in MN. He's a friend.

Tammy, I'll be back on the 29 of Sept. Your leaving on the 4 of Nov. right?? So, at the very least I'll see you on the 2 of Nov. =) I HOPE!!!!!!! I was looking forward to you both being here!

We leave on the 4th of October...I wish it were the 4th of November. ~grin~ Yea! I'm glad that we will get to see you while we are there. Enjoy the revival.