Monday, July 14, 2008

It's pretty clear....

I can't have caffeine. So sad. I think I'm just getting old or something. Maybe, my body is changing again. For the last maybe, couple months or so....maybe longer I could only have smaller amounts of coffee otherwise I would start to feel nauseous. Now though, I'll have just a little bit and I start feeling sick to point I have to stop or I WILL be sick. It's so weird. I love mocha's, lattes, frappes.....! SWEET TEA!!! I'm not that big into soda, but once in awhile I'll crave one. It's too weird.


You know..ever since I got sick in December with pneumonia/bronchitis, I have noticed a change when I drink soda, or eat sugar in general,even juice sometimes. I have to gulp water, or my saliva gets really sticky ( I know...gross) and it affects my breathing. :(

That's unusual. Maybe it is a blessing in Disguise. :) I am NOT a coffee person, but I do enjoy tea and sweet tea once in a while. Can you still eat chocolate?

I think so!!! I HOPE so!!! I haven't had any lately.

kasey, that's weird too. Does it effect your drinking enough water?

I have to drink water....or I feel suffocated. It makes me drink more water though, but i dont drink enough to begin with. If I did maybe it woudlnt be a problem.