Saturday, July 26, 2008

Havre, MT

So much for me not posting.....I have time and a why not. =)

Anyhow, it is SOOOOOO hot here!!!!!!!!! It's GREAT!

Johnny and Libby are so great! So down to earth, it's refreshing.

Mom, if you read this tell dad that Horizon IS a prop plane. Propellers and all! I was WAY freaked out at first...but it good. Well, right up until coming into Havre. Then I thought we were going to die. The turbulence was CRAZY!!! There are no trees here, so the wind has no break.

Anyhow, I am so tired. I pulled an all nighter again. I got done with work at 1a and left at 6a. Shewwwwww

Ok, I'm done. Have a GREAT Sunday!!!


I would SO love to just hop in our van and drive over and see you! So close, but yet so far. :( With us just having come back from camp and convention, we just can't.

Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself though! I love being with the Furlongs too. Great couple (and kids too!).

That's funny about the airplane. :p

Ah, no I'm not going to allow dad to even SEE youre blog. You aren't helping him.

Glad you're having fun. Love you.

I know Bekah!! I thought about you often. Thinking soooooooooooo close.......!!!!!!!!