Thursday, July 17, 2008

I Need A Bike

Okay, so I think I'm going to start planning a camping trip tomorrow for the end of Aug. See who all wants to go, maybe for three of four days. I have yet to go camping this whole summer and it's almost over!!! I had one trip planned to go to Homer, but then something more important came up and I didn't go. Now, I can't even remember what was so important! Sad.

Anyhow, that brings me the me needing a bike. A friends of mine was telling me how him and his friend rode their bike from Hope, AK to Cooper Landing ( I'm not really sure where that is...I've only just heard about it). I think it's towards Seward somewhere. He said it's about a 40 mile trek. It sounded cool, so I think I'm going to go with next time. Then my thinking is, if I could get some girls to come along we could camp too. Have someone drop us off in Hope or the other way around in Cooper Landing then bike to our camp spot. The only hang up is, I know I'm going to REALLY, really, REALLY want a good, long shower after 40 miles of biking!! =) Maybe the bike trip and camping should be done separately. We'll see.


I love going biking! Sad thing is, I've haven't done it since getting married. I take that back, my Uncle gave me a bike a couple yrs ago and I biked a couple times. Last yr I was pregnant and wasn't able to go. This yr my tire is flat and hasn't got fixed yet.

Those plans sound like alot of fun!