Monday, November 10, 2008

Why I have fallen for Levi

There is so much! First, I want to say this....I would marry Levi tomorrow if I could! He hasn't even met my family though... I have NO worries... they will love him!!!!!! He is coming up at the beginning of December....and I can't wait!! One, because I REALLY miss him and two, because I'm dieing to show him Alaska! I have a special place in my heart for Alaska and really want to share that with him. I wouldn't say this is the end of the story's just the beginning.

I tell people, that if I were to put together my perfect man, I wouldn't even think of the qualities that Levi has. It's so neat how God can do SO much better then you can! Our ways are not His ways! For that I'm SO thankful!

There is one thing I haven't shared, at least not on the blog...I have though with Levi and my family. At the assembly, I noticed Levi while he was praying in the prayer line. He was praying SO intensely!!! Giving it all he had. I had to run to the bathroom, and then on the way back I had determined to get Joleesa into THAT prayer line. I stood in line and stared at the back of Joes head waiting for her to feel it (my looking at her). It didn't take long, she looked at me... and I motioned for her to come join me. That also didn't take much...she popped right up and came and stood in line with me. I could say more on this...but this post is about LEVI! =0) That is still something that REALLY attracts me... is his zeal and intensity for God!!!

Levi, outside of my Dad is the most tender hearted man I have ever met! Plus, he is not at all ashamed of it!!! I think some men think to be soft is just not manly...but in his case...he could care less what others think! Which in my opinion is SUPER manly! It also, is one of the reasons why I trust him.

I found it funny that he used the word "hot" as way to describe me. I almost told him one time that he was hot, but thought that maybe he had a reason why he never used that word. =) Levi is though!!!!!!!!!! He's SUPER attractive! I love it when he's in his suits!! He always dresses SO nice! I told him that he doesn't need any help, he can dress himself WAY better then I could!!!

The thing I love most that I KNOW he loves me. I love saying it...and hearing it....but Levi shows it!! I don't AT ALL question it! Which makes me love him all the more.

I could say more....but this is already so long....I just hope, like I said before.....I know Levi is special! I know also, that he is a gift from God...I hope that I NEVER lose sight of that through out the years!!! That will be my prayer.


Marry me tommorrow? Wow Jessa! Oh wait I already knew that... and I wish I would of thought to put that in what I said about you Love:) Honey, we will have to post more sooooooon because there is still alot left....Levi

Okay Levi we either need to get Jessa's named changed to have both of yours and a picture of both of you or you need to get one of your own. Its tripping me out seeing her name talking about her.

Thank you (and God) for making my sister happy.

LOL. Levi you need to check out my blog as I comment about you over there.

AND both of you...tomorrow is WAY to soon. I'm glad God has given you some sense in your love sickness~love you both.

Very nice post Jessa. Jessa you are smitten and I do remember telling you at one time, it'll happen in God's timing. Do you remember that conversation?
I do agree with Jenna Levi, it is weird seeing Jessa talk about herself and it is YOU!!! Makes me crazy. :o)
Everything I read brings back so many memories of Sam and I. Some of the things sounds like mine and Sam's story. "Good things come to those who wait" Sam and I never used the word "Hot" though HA!!!!

Jessa I am SOOO happy for you!! I love to see you happy!!!! Praise the Lord!! he is so amazing! he brings us through some very hurtful and painful times but look where those lead us! I love you!

Tammy, I do remember that conversation! =) It seems soooo long ago though.....God's timing SO perfect!! Sometimes when I soak it all just in awe of His goodness to me.

LOL it weird for me see ME speaking, BUT ITS NOT ME! We'll work on something when Levi comes in Dec.

Autumn, Your a sweetheart! You know...I'm thankful for that time though....if I never had any hurts or trials. My relationship with Christ would be VERY shallow...that, and I would not be able to relate to others hurts. It makes a differance when people feel that you understand them. Then, I can point them to the healer! The giver of peace. This world is SOOOOOO full of broken people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!They Just need Jesus.....

I love you girl!!!!

you guys are so sweet together.

I'll call you tomorrow then. :) What time do you get up?

I am so happy for you and Levi. When you met the Love of Your Life; your Soul Mate, you just know it is so right! God is so faithful! We love you, Jessa. We think you and Levi should settle in God's Country; Virginia! Hehehe! :-)