Levi love,

Go into edit posts... I left you a draft!!!!!!!!!!


I miss you Jessa!!!!!!

Hello, I'm Charity Baldwin. I'm from the VA/WV region. I met one of your sisters at IYC 2 years ago. I saw your picture on the catawba young peoples website and was trying to figure out who the pretty girl with Levi was. Then I saw a comment from you and followed it over and found myself here and decided to introduce myself. I'm glad you and Levi hit it off so well he needed a girl in his life!

I miss you too Jess!!!!!!! LOTS!!! and LOTS!!!!!

Charity, I'm glad you introduced yourself!! Now I really look forward to meeting you!=) I wonder which sister you met....It could be eather one of them.......I think it was Joleesa though.... I'll have to aske her.=)