Sunday, February 10, 2008

I know, I know....

I know…it’s been almost a year since I’ve posted. I stopped because life was pretty much at its worst at the time. I’m not really one to share with the world what is going on (except a select couple)…at least not on such a personal level. At the same time I wanted to share and was afraid of what I would write. So I just stopped. *smile*

Life goes on….God heals….and if you allow, you can come threw it a better person not a bitter person. I must say, I am a different person then I was a year ago. This year I feel like I have finally grown up. Not just matured in life in general, but in my relationship with Christ. Which I’m sure is one of the biggest reasons He allows things to happen. I’m pretty sure there will be other hardships along the way just for the sole purpose of drawing me closer to God.

On a lighter note, I still work at Alaska Airlines, and LOVE it! This job allows me to travel, with the potential of seeing the world. I’m pretty excited about that!

Well, right now, Josh and Jackie are over. All of us girls are watching Sydney White, a modern day spoof on Snow White. Josh is in the kitchen making chicken lemon soup. Pretty backwards huh? Dad is taking a nap. Which I hope to do soon! ;)


Glad to see your posting again. Missed you!!!

Josh cooking while the girls watch a movie?!!! That's awesome! *giggle* That WOULD make for a great Sunday. :D