Monday, December 1, 2008

Oversold Flights

Well, Levi and I head out today. Or rather's a three hour drive from Roanoke to DC. So, he likes to leave REALLY early to beat the traffic. We are going to shoot for the 8a flight to Seattle.... It's REALLY full though! Oversold by 5! When I was looking last week I wasn't worried about the DCA to SEA just SEA to ANC. Seattle to Anchorage the flights are also all oversold. So, now it's going to be a little stressful in general. Levi is going to get a crash course in flying standby. I was soooooOOOO looking forward to having someone to travel with....but we may not even be able to sit together now.....!! If anything, please pray that we make the flights. I don't do well with sleeping in airports....and we don't want to spend money on hotel rooms for each of us!! My body is already messed up with the time change, I know I'll just get so worn out.

Okay...I'm wining right I'm going to get off!!! =O)


Praying that you get home soon!!!

Praying all works out well and fast. I am sorry about the craziness. Call me if you get to bored. I will be up late.

Update- They're stuck in Seattle for the night- from what mom said their plan is to get on the Juneau flight and then the flights from there to Anchorage are clear. Pray for them- Juneau flights get canceled often because of the random weather. We've had tons of snow and its gotten cold so who knows what the weather will be.

You guys have had a long 2 days. I know that you'll be happy to get there. Hope you guys have a wonderful time! I miss you Jessa I really enjoyed having someone to talk to it was awesome. Hurry up and head on back down this way soon and bring your family; we really can't wait to meet them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love ya,

Jenna, Thanks for giving the update!!!

Thanks you Tammi!!! I'm going to give you a call soon!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU!

Amy! It was looooong......I always enjoy so much being with your family. I'm really glad we got to sit and chat...I really enjoyed it. AND I had a blast laughing that night at that mexican place....i don't think I have laughed that long and long hard in a LONG, long time!!!!

Love you lots girl!!!!!

Alright now that you guys took pics while you were in here in Va you need to take pics of Alaska and let the Catawba Youth see them ;) so we know how beautiful it is up there.