Thursday, December 4, 2008

We Are Home

It took long then we would have liked, but we made it. It was AMAZING that we made the DC flight. It was oversold by 5....but at first they were still able to get 1 standby on. Then the flight went on a 4 hour delay. That was our prayer answered... 4people moved to other flights which opened up seats. We got on but spent five and half hours apart separated in middle seats. We are thankful that we just got on!! It kinda went fast for me...I sat next to this crazy lady that wanted to talk. She was crazy in the sense, to not be annoying, but make me entertained.

We didn't make it out of Seattle though that same night because all the flights were just SOOO oversold. I was SOOOOO tired and worn out that we stayed for 2 flights.... I realized how impossible it was going to be that night.......and asked if we could just get rooms. So that's what we did. It was wonderful....we got up the next morning, refreshed and ready to face whatever.

The only flight that looked good, was what we in Alaska call the Milk Run. The jet is used mostly to deliver Cargo to the different villages. It goes from Seattle to Juneau, Yaketat, and Cordova Alaska then finally into Anchorage. The flight was WIDE OPEN all the way! So there were over 66 standbys wanting to get on that flight. They had weight and balance issues they were only able take about half. We were blessed because we were near the top. We got to sit together, so I was able to be there when he looked out the window and saw Alaska! It was SO fun!!!

AMY!! I promise to get some pictures up!!! lol We have some now from flying, but I gotta get this day moving.... so maybe we will get some up tonight. There are going to be LOTS!!! =)


Wow you guys had it rough! I'm glad that you made it!

I can't wait for the pics!

Love ya,

I'm glad you finally got there! Enjoy!