Thursday, July 31, 2008

FUN, FUN!! and BUSY, BUSY!!!

SO, I'm not really sure where this post will show up.....but these are pictures taken at Sis. Nancy's cook out. Also, at the underground tour with the Furlongs. Which was WAY cool. There was a fire in the 1800's which burned down the whole down town of they built their shops underground. The pictures are of the Butcher shop. The one picture is of Mount Rainer and you can kinda see behind it is Mount Hood. I gotta say....once we got past all the turbulence in Montana the ride was REALLY cool. I gotta to see crop circles and wind mill was spectacular!

I work tonight, and then tomorrow, at 945p mom and I are heading to Charlotte where we will stay with the Williams for a night or two... I can't remember.Then we will drive with them to the Assembly. I'm REALLY, SUPER excited about the Assembly! I'm a little worried though because we are flying stand by the whole way. The Chicago to Charlotte looks really bad. Like no seats....I guess we'll see. I know God can make it work.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Shopping, Lip gloss, and Mafia Wars

Ok, so I'll start with yesterday. Yesterday, is the reason for the heading. We got up, got ready and went to town. I was super excited, because we were going shopping. I LOVE the store Maurice's. I can't order online, so for the past almost two years, well...I've just been bummed. Needless to say, I was pretty excited to see there was Marice's in the teeny tiny middle of no where Havre mall. lol

Sis. Libby and I went off and shopped while poor Bro. Johnny went off by himself to I think Radio Shack. *smile* It was fun, but neither Libby or I found anything worth buying. I did find lib gloss two for eight dollars, which made me content, but no cloths.

Later on that evening we went to Bro. Curby's and Sis. Nancy's for a cook out. SO MUCH FUN!!!! There sooo great! Bro. Caleb and Sis. Mandie taught us this game that I can't remember the name of, but something to do with the Mafia. I loved it though and want to try and play it with the youth when I get home. If you want to see pictures go to Sis. Nancy's blog.

Tomorrow I leave.....So sad .We are leaving early for Great Falls and are going do some more shopping. Hopefully with some more luck. =)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Havre, MT

So much for me not posting.....I have time and a why not. =)

Anyhow, it is SOOOOOO hot here!!!!!!!!! It's GREAT!

Johnny and Libby are so great! So down to earth, it's refreshing.

Mom, if you read this tell dad that Horizon IS a prop plane. Propellers and all! I was WAY freaked out at first...but it good. Well, right up until coming into Havre. Then I thought we were going to die. The turbulence was CRAZY!!! There are no trees here, so the wind has no break.

Anyhow, I am so tired. I pulled an all nighter again. I got done with work at 1a and left at 6a. Shewwwwww

Ok, I'm done. Have a GREAT Sunday!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Joleesa is........


Wow huh??? I'm shocked. I didn't see it coming. He's a nice guy though from what I've seen of him.....which is only about three times. If that.

I'm happy for her though...because she seems happy. That's what counts most.

Today was her 19 birthday. So all of us a family went to Ninos an Italian restaurant, and then Joleesa and I went to go get pedicures. Wooooowwwww, I gotta say it felt amazing on aching feet. Then we went to Freddie's and did some shopping. It was nice. We haven't hung out me and her for FOREVER!!! I know God gave me that time with her. I was really missing her.


I guess thats all I got to say at the latest turn of events.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I need to pack

I leave this Sat. for MT....I'm there three days. Then I come back for two days, and the head to Assembly for seven days. There is sooooo much I need to do! LIKE PACK!!! I don't really know what to bring....I don't really have summery cloths anymore. Anyhow, I also need to go shopping for another skirt, I've decided I have too much black. PLUS, I need to clean my apartment! DEEP CLEAN! I've been putting it off to long....I hate coming back from vacations to a messy place.

I don't think I'll blog again for awhile...we'll see....if not , I HOPE TO SEE YOU AT THE ASSEMBLY!!!


Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Sunny Day!

It started off all cold and cloudy, but about around noonish it got sunny and warm. It was a beautiful day! The youth went on a bike ride down by earth quick park. It was great. We even got a rainbow to look at on the way back to the cars. Perfect end.

In all, I was very productive on my only day off. I got up at 9a (very early for someone that gets off work at 3a). I got my hair cut, went to lunch with mom then went shopping with mom, Jenna, AND Joleesa. The first time all three of us sisters have spent an extended period of time together in a while. I realized I'm not close to either one of them anymore. With me working the shifts I do.....I'm just not around them (family) much. I'm not really sure what to do about it. It bothers me a little, I'm not sure if it's normal for me to have a life so separate from theirs. I am almost 26, in a way it's kinda to be expected right???? I do see them most Sun. (unless I'm working) and that's it. Pray for me though. I used to be VERY close to Joleesa and now......I don't know her at all! It makes me sad.

Anyhow, right now I'm at Megan and Micahs. Their playing Rock Band and I'm blogging.....=)

I think I'm going to try some of Megan sushi, see ya....and have a great SUNDAY!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I Need A Bike

Okay, so I think I'm going to start planning a camping trip tomorrow for the end of Aug. See who all wants to go, maybe for three of four days. I have yet to go camping this whole summer and it's almost over!!! I had one trip planned to go to Homer, but then something more important came up and I didn't go. Now, I can't even remember what was so important! Sad.

Anyhow, that brings me the me needing a bike. A friends of mine was telling me how him and his friend rode their bike from Hope, AK to Cooper Landing ( I'm not really sure where that is...I've only just heard about it). I think it's towards Seward somewhere. He said it's about a 40 mile trek. It sounded cool, so I think I'm going to go with next time. Then my thinking is, if I could get some girls to come along we could camp too. Have someone drop us off in Hope or the other way around in Cooper Landing then bike to our camp spot. The only hang up is, I know I'm going to REALLY, really, REALLY want a good, long shower after 40 miles of biking!! =) Maybe the bike trip and camping should be done separately. We'll see.

Monday, July 14, 2008

It's pretty clear....

I can't have caffeine. So sad. I think I'm just getting old or something. Maybe, my body is changing again. For the last maybe, couple months or so....maybe longer I could only have smaller amounts of coffee otherwise I would start to feel nauseous. Now though, I'll have just a little bit and I start feeling sick to point I have to stop or I WILL be sick. It's so weird. I love mocha's, lattes, frappes.....! SWEET TEA!!! I'm not that big into soda, but once in awhile I'll crave one. It's too weird.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Alright, I'm a night person...but I really want to go HOME and go to bed. Right now I'm at work. They offered overtime from 3a-11a, I signed up for 3a-8a. With going to Montana for a week and then heading to the Assembly right afterward...that's two weeks with out pay. So, the extra money is needed. Also, a friend that I work with and I are looking at going on a cruise late in the fall. So there will be plenty more LATE nights coming. The one we are looking at goes out of Genoa, Italy then goes to Monte Carlo, Monaco- Valencia, Spain-Valletta, Malta-Tunis, Tunisia-Rome, Italy-and then back again to Genoa, Italy. Loren, my friend REALLY wants to go to Tunisia( I guess she's into danger!) and I REALLY want to go to Malta, for biblical reasons. It's the perfect Itinerary for us. We'll see though.....the last cruise I went on it was kinda spare of the moment and I didn't get to read up on the history at all. Which was kinda a bummer, because Europe it is so full of history. This time I PLAN TO PLAN, and read...lots of reading. =)

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Soooo, I worked the night before (on Friday)until 3a and then hopped on a 6:30a flight to Seattle. I was doing good until about 5p, when the heat...and all the people started getting to me. Making me SUPER sleepy. Anyhow, in all it was SUPER fun and worth the sleep deprivation.

I'm going to have to ask how to up load pictures on blogger. I though it was easy....for some reason when I click on the "add picture" icon it does NOTHING. Weird. I think I'm missing something and I'm too tired right now to figure it out. On Satureday I'll ask Jenna. =)